!!!hi welcome to my art page! as of right now im in the prgoress of achiving everything.. and i mean everything on my tumblr blog!!! eventually ill go through here and organize it from year to year but as of rn its just gonna be in order from oldest to newest
welcome to 2017, tw for this section there is a whole wall of gore, talk anout a friends suicide. although not dircetly mentioned there is implied abuse in multiple of my descriptions and all of this was taken from deivant art. this was a really rough year but despite everything that happened unfortuantly i cant say its the worst. 2012 and the first half of 2022 kill me. im super tired, continuing from here im definetly going to be uploading in episodes as i now have to go through discord on top of everythign. i know theres a lot of lost art and i am quite sad about it. cheers lets have a drink and i hope you enjoy scrolling through. from here i went from 7th to 8th grade. EDIT for some reason a lot of the images are broken and im trying to fix it.
can you tell i had internalized fatphobia because i was bullied my whole life for being fat? yeah? skinny steven jumpscare. this one does genuely look pretty cool! i think everything but steven does. thats chill though. posted december 24th, 2017
going through DA this is the last post on this page and a really nice one to end on after all the misery of the past months worth. posted on decemeber 24th, 2017
i drew this for the mp100 fanale!! posted decemeber 22nd, 2017
looking back i knew ive been sad for a long time but seeing it put into writing really shows how much of a drag i must have been, i only stopped being this consistantly depressed a year and a half ago. i would apoligize but no, i was really messed up and i shouldnt have had social media from such a young age because other than... the horrors... this really was something that made my mental health so much worse.
this is heathers vent art.. becauase i was really upset about how bad my art looked. despite that i do like this one!! uploaded december 20th
called ghosting, which is another mother mother song refrence, i want to say how messed up the deription is. the art dosent matter here. i was apoligizing to everyone who had looked at this drawing because i was a bad artist and i didnt know how to draw. its over 100 misspelled words of me apoligizing. thats messed up. uploaded decemeber 20th 2017
the title of this one i managed to spell every word wrong, "shadeing practitce hans". uploaded decemeber 19th, 2017
steven universe fan spoted.. also the way how i deaw noses here i actually draw them like this again at somepoint in my art??? thats crazy!! like years later i forgot i did them like that!!! upladed december 15th, 2017
I ACTUALLY REALLY WANT TO REDRAW THIS!! they look really really really sick!! i posted it saying it was a weird doodle that was bad as an apology for not posting anything much after goretober happened. i also mention an account i had that i forgot i did.. that being at @I-dont-exsist-nor-do-you, weird, i just dont remeber that. posted on decemeber 9th, 2017
titled "boxxed in", this was vent art. posted on decemeber 3rd 2017
man, ritsu is kind of shaped like a thick legged fursuit under here. also how did no one know i was dyslix because i litterly spelt nerds like "neards". theres a reason why i dont post the descriptions, theyre pure gibberish. i think for full bodies theyre really good! the hair colors look really good i think! posted on november 22nd, 2017
THIS IS SOOOOO SILLY BROOOOO why did i make hi shaped like that?? but let me say, i tlak about being disapointed on how this turned out but i love how the colors of the effects are, i think they looks really good!!! mob looks.. well to be completly blank BAD. i think i was doing something here that was pretty cool!! uploaded on novemeber 19th, 2017! thats my youngest brothers birthday.
cat furry thing? im unsure of who this is or where they came from. i know its fanart, but im unsure of what from. uploaded on novemeber 15th 2017
this is actually also pretty cool! in the description of this drawing i say im disapointed but for my art talents at the time this is really cool! sure theres problems but i wish i could make little me proud of it. like?? look at those hands!! i know theyre smalled ut they looked good!! uploaded on novemebr 11th, 2017
yeah idk why i drew this. being a weird 12 year old i guess? i think this might have been drawn for a friend?? maybe?? uploaded on novemeber 11th, 2017
i really like mp100 a lot, its still my favorite anime of all time, but i never really draw it and the reason is the way how i draw mob is sooo ingrained in my brain it keeps me from wanting to draw him. this was uploaded on novemeber 5th, 2017
of couser this is being uploaded backwards but i just finished uploading all of goretober and that was a task for the gods that was awful, haha not like when i made my art tumblr i did 3 diffrent tobers the next year.. right?? anyway i never once played or watched cup head but i ended up drawing them! somthing kind of inchresting, this was the last traditional art drawing i did with the soul pourpous to upload it, te rest were coincidental. this was uploaded on october 4th, 2017.
goretober day 32 aka i messed up somehow, uploaded on novemeber 1st, i messed up somehow ending goretober on a sour note. thats okay, it wasnt good for mynmental health but its really cool how many diffrent types of artforms i tried while doing this! pixel art, sketchy and thick lines, limited color pallets. very cool 12 year old salad.
goretober day 30?? i promise these first couple in website order are waky but the rest are normal. posted on october 30th. the prompt was possession. this was the first time i tried this type of linework before! so scribly..
goretober day 28, uplaoded on october 28th. this one i remeber putting a lot of my feelings into, i felt liek this could be me but at the same time it was very much not. for a long time i had myself conviced i could do this to myself but thats imposible
goretober day 27, and 29 aparently, uplaoded on october 27th. how lazy of me to combine two of the prompts into one but i was also 12 (( later on down i say 13 but im writing this backwards and i was wrong but im tired )) and i was in school and dealing with a terrible homelife and school life.
goretober day 26, posted on october 26th, the prompt was saftey pins. this ones dumb to me brooo whoever did this didnt even put pins over the main part of their mouth dummie
goretober day 25, posted on october 26th, the propmpt was forcefully conjoined twins but i would definieltly not have done that one nowadays tht ones really weird.
this drawing is kind of funny, i posted it called just a charater doodle but it was me and some of my friends at the time. none of us look like this anymore and have the same genders, exspet the one second to the left idk what happened to her. she was my gf at the time, ex now of course, first to the left was my best friend but they were kind of a total jerk?? we shouldnt have been friends for as long as we were but hindsight is 2020.
back to the shlop, goretober day 24, uploaded october 24th, the prompt here was canablisim
goretober day 23, uploaded on october 24th, the prompt was skeleton
ggoretober day 22, uplaoded on october 24th, the prompt was pumpkin
goretober day 21, uplaoded on october 21st! the prompt was bugs
goretober day 20, posted on october 20th, this one dint have a prompt in the description or title??im assiming it was burned or something.
now to interupt goretober, this was titled rainbow edge, i said i made it during sicence class? weird. it was posted on october 19th, 2017
goretober day 19, posted on the 19th, the prompt was skinned alive.
goretober day 18th, prompt is bloody nose, posted on october 18th
goretober day 17, prompt is hospital paitent, posted on october 17th. this was the first time i started trying to use thinker lines and the second time i tried exsperamenting with a limited color pallet!
goretober day 16, this one is kind of bad in my opion, prompt was cosmetology surgery posted on October 16, 2017. i think its supposed to be cosmedic but.. thats fine its just a change in wording
im so glad im moving all this stuff here so i dont have to look at DA ever again, i just found dismemberment/disection fetish art in the recomended for this.on my accoundt i had my age set to 13 as i was at the time broooooo. well. i guess im an adult now but whatever. sorry sorry, goretober day 15, posted on october 15th.
goretober day 14, posted on october 14th! this was the first time i played around with a limited color pallet!!!! hte prompt was infections
why are these so small.. goretober day 13, melting skin, posted on october 14th. funny thing from me pulling this up on da in the recomended was ai images of barbie in lingerie not even close at what the drawing is.
goretober day 12, posted on october 12, the text is hard to read but its zombies/rot. this ones really incresting to me because i also think this is the first time ive ever colored over digital art before?? you can tell because it dosent look great, but its really cool how many diffrent art mediums i ended up trying for goretober.
goretober day 11, posted on october 11th, 2017! this one features mob from mob psycho 100. and its kinda funny how many mp100 charaters i did for it.
goretober day 9, posted on october 10th,, i mixed up day 9 and day 10s prompts i think? or i thought it was the 10th but it wasnt. the prompt was guts. also!! this was the first pixel art ive ever done!!! its simple but i honestly really think its still good??
goretober day 10, this one was amputation, posted on october 9th 2017. i think i was confused on the dates here as is why i did day 10 so early. day 9 i posted the next day, soooo weird.
goretober day 8, the theme was mouth trauma, october 9th, 2017
goretober day 7, october 9th 2017, this one and the next one are misslabled because i lost tract of the days. this one fts teru from mob psycho 100
goretober day 6, october 9th, 2017. ft some fran bow art. im unsure why this is so small.
a break from goretober, this is a peice of vent art that i made the description says "You're so small and fragile no one knows how to take care of you." i cant remeber what casued it specifically but at the same time i can think of so many diffrent things that could have. posted on october 5th, 2017.
NOOOOO okay so day 5 i have no accsess to. i deleted it it looks like, the prompt was autopsy and i can picture what it looked like but i just.. i ont have it :[
goretober day four, october 4th, 2017
goretober day 3, posted on october 3rd, 2017
goretober day 2! october 2nd, 2017
the first, or here technical last day of goretober. its so orange.. gross. i really liked goretober but when i got mentally healthy i stopped doing it. posted october 1st, 2017
this was fanart i made for a friend!! i do think he still uses this handel but we havent talked in a long time. we kind of just. grew apart. met on the same amino where something terible happened to me, and once i was away we grew far far apart. i think i remeber liking the static a lot, posted on septemeber 30th.
this is actualy kind of sick. aroound this time youll see that i start to slowly pull away from my art to purely just do fandom stuff, after goretober i started feeling BAD for just drawing and felt like it needed a pourpous.
i thought i was so smart for this. and arround this time i really stared over editing all my photos this is harder to actually see what i drew. its supposed to be a girl whos a tree, getting taken apart and used for things ((aka the paper ? )) posted on september 29th.
i felt guilty for posting art not linked to anything or being too deep. this was just a girl i drew that i liked, and in the description im apoligizing. most of them i am but dang.
i dont know why i posted this. i really dont. i had drawn this to help me cope with the passing of one of my best friends. in the title i talk about an edgy description and in it i talked about it. i dont want to put it here, its heavy and id like to keep everything here as light hearted as i can. september 17th, 2017.
this was inspired by something we read in my english class that i dont remeber, but liek because of all these filters you couldnt see all the details i put in it.
around this time i lost 3 hours work of trying to get all this art together and put it all together, a lot of these captions were more inchresting but now im burnt out. i only have nightmares, and around 2016 thats when i really stopped having normal dreams, it was scary. i didnt like it. i wanted to go home but i couldnt tell where it was. posted september 2nd, 2017.
this is steven universe fanart, plue pearl was my favorite charater a lot but it was purely becasue she was blue and nervous just like meeee hehehe, posted on septemeber 1st, 2017.
this is silly jackseptieye fanart from his dream daddies playthorugh,i dont remeber any of it honestly, but thats okay. posted on augest 31st, 2017
this was from another batch of drawings all posted on the same day, this ones actually kinda cool ngl, i think its because i had learned how to "edit" photos, aka put a filter over it. posted on augest 31st, 2017
this one was titled death to a new one. it really makes me sad knowing that i have a friend that passed away not too long later. augest 31st, 2017
i posted three drawings in one day, i felt like i had to make up for how little i posted previously, despite having no active followers i really felt ashamed and like i had been letting them down, i cant imagin how young some kids these days exspericence this when more people do actually follow them and its not just 5 strangers that dont interact. btw ive never seen dear even hanson and its really funny because i heard like one song and knew that a lot of people liked it. posted on july 23rd, 2017
this was more night in the woods fanart, and i think this one was a vent peice too? another thing where i liked gore art and i drew it. a lot. this is the second post i made on july 23rd, 2017.
this is rolling girl fanart! i think i wanted to make it a bookmark? this was around a time where i really liked messing with framing and diffrent canvas shapes. its the third peice posted on july 23rd, 2017.
this was the first pride thing i ever drew, i found a list of what i thought was every pride flag and it wasnt hehe. i thought i was cool and powerful for doing so. at the time i also didnt do any research on what everything meant so for a good bit of these i just kinda. based it off of the pride flag and the 2017 google discrption. posted on july 16th, 2017
NIGHT IN A WOODS FANART SILLAY MOMENT!!!!!!! ive finally moved away from mspaint too! im using ibis paint here and ill be using it in all digital peices above until mentioned otherwise. posted May 29th, 2017
i think this one is inchresting for a couple reasons. i lost an online friend around this time and also it was about the time i came out as trans. i know it wasnt meant to be anything but when i look back it paints a clearer picture. this was also posed barely a week after the birthday of a friend who would pass away later that year. its not perfect timining because that would be messed up but its almost unsettling. posted on may 28th, 2017
OHHHHHHH MY GOOOOOOOD I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN I SAW I HAD THIS!!!!!!!!!! that first drawing is a decade old now, i was 8 or 9, thats so crazy. i genuenly was so shocked when i saw i had it. i really want to do a redraw of this at some time. posted on May 27th, 2017
posted on march 17th, 2017. this i drew for the birthday of eddsworld legacy I THIIIIINK. i really liked the background and i think i said i spent 4 hours on it? thats a lie lol. i just scribbled colored pencils. i think i put a lot of thought into it but to be honest i cant tell in the image and i dont have the drawings anymore.
khonjin house fanart... March 13, 2017
posted on March 12, 2017, i didnt know what vent art was but this was defineltly it. i have struggled to sleep my whole life and though i thought it was insomina i have some other issue im usere of what it is. this was titled insomina, nothing more to say
THIS ONES SOOOOOOOO FUNNY. i so stole this from some youtube video that had a buff cat with a normal cute cat head. i dont remeber what video it was though. posted on March 10th, 2017
so a fun fact about me is that i started watching gore videos in elementry school and when i found out about candy gore i loved it! it was all the colors i liked and to other people it was less.. weird. i wish i could go back and change that but theres nothing that cant be done, i drew a loooot of pastel/candy gore aslong a regualr gore but i took a lot of that down. this one was called dog bites: posted on febuary 25th, 2017.
posted on febuary 19th, 2017, i kind of didnt want to archive this one. it was weird. i didnt realize that the eddsworlds charaters were NOT the people that voiced them and so its kind of parasocial and weird. i regret it a lot. but i think its important to keep anything good n bad.
THIS ONES SOOOO FUNNY TO ME BROOOOOO. so i hated valtnines day because i hated myself and i hated seeing other people happy. i think i was the type of person to say its justto sell toys.. which partly it is but its my favorite holiday now. in the description i said, "God I hate this holiday. The cholate has glass in it" i put the second part in because i thought it was funny how bad i mispelt it. posted febuary 12th, 2017.
grrrrrr ok so i probably talk about this a bit above but this drawing kind of tells me that i definetly deleted a bunch of drawings i posted a long while ago. regardless, in elemetry school and part of middleschool i really really liked eddsworld, which infact was the thing that led me to creating my tumblr account this same year, and i drew a LOOOOOT of eddsworld fanart. i remeber being a silly forthgrader and asking my frends to watch it and then i got bullied. lame. this was a drawing of matt i postedon Febuary 4, 2017
titeld still ghosting, posted on Febuary 1, 2017. this was an oc that i had for a small period of time that i thought of remakmaking buuuut i think they should stay in the past. they were a dead kid that would make friends on halloween because they look like a sheetghost. the title, "still ghosting", was in refrence to the mother mother song still ghosting because i really liked mother mother as a kid. ghosting and little pistols were my favorte songs!
this is some of the first art i ever posted online! arorund this time theres peices from where i was 10 to 11
titled a perfect balance, so remeber thinking i was soooooo so cool with this. i really thought i had done something no one else did. the charater i think i remeber is supposed to be balancing blood and water aka like death and life. its sillay, posted on Augest 28, 2016
ohhhhh man. i had a LOT of ocs but these 2 led to the creation of my dear autum a bit later who i like a lot n still play around a lot. i thlught these two were soooo cool but i made tehm when i was like 10 with undiagnosed dyslexia so i didnt bother to double check any of my spelling. as you can tell. im nto proud of it looking back but i mean, so its knda whatever really i want to keep it archived. posted Augest 19, 2016. its so embarasing cuz i KNOOOOOW theyre last name is only that because of. miku.
this was posted on July 30th, 2016! i think i had drawn this in class a couple months prior... i know that i have this drawing still so if i can find it. i knoooow this was inspired by the vocaloid hatsune mikus song bacteria contamination! i really liked that song a lot, i was a suuuuper big miku fan in elementry and midde school. i love vocaloid a lot but i really dont listen to it as much anymore.
Posted July 29th, 2016 is the second peice of fansrt i posted publicly!! it was titled just "butter cups" in the description it says " Asreil and Chara are posibly my fav charator in undertale and there story was relly sad so i took the seen where she eats the buttercups and then BOOM this drawing is born . Its kinda sad but i love it i hope you do to :3."
i thought i was so cool i think but its ok becasue im glad that i even kept it up!!!
this is the first peice of art i ever posted online, dated "july 27th, 2016". just titled Fran bow. i posted this on a shared deviant art account with my brother when i was in 6th grade!
"Crush" template made by awhe @ https://awhe.neocities.org