!!! check out these funnie pet imagess -w- !!!
Welcome to the terrearium :3!!!!! This is my page for my sillay pets that i love so much... I have 2 dogs, 3 geckos, and 1 kitty!!!
The Murr is my awesome cat, ive had him for 12 years seince he was a kitten!!! hes old and hes nasty. he likes to stick my face in his wet food chicken chest.. BUUUT hes so awesome. he has no teeth and is very sassy. he gets upset if i stop hanging out with him and screams the entire time im away. his name is short for the big magestic rawr rawr rawr at the midnight sky. he made it to phase 3 in the cat bracket on tumblr!!! he has a silly thing where he sometimes drops his claws and its a little scarry. he cuddles sweetly with me at night and hes actually really big?? hes a maincoon streetcat mix and is as big as my torso. we got him after my moms friend found him stuck in her water barrel. hes been with me forever and i just. he means everything to me and is my favorite thing on earth. HE ALSO IS A FASION KINGGGGGGG, he loves to wear clothes and always has a bandana on.
My dogs are Hexsum, hes a black lab, shiba and pitbull mix. hes my dads best friend and the soggiest dog ever tbh. he lieks to stand up on his hind legs for attention and we call it his honeybear. he is straight up. actually. the most friendly dog ive ever met. he loves to wander arround and sniff people. he LOOOVES people so much that he tries to stop cars to get them to pet him. he likes to dig and make holes to lay down in.
my other dog is phenix! shes a german shepherd who we just. kind of was givem? we were asked to watch her back at the begining of january and then her old owner cut contacts with my dad and blocked him on social media. then my dad got in contact with his cousion and he said shes ours but TBHHHHHH thats ok cuz i love her shes very crazy and runs back and forth all the time with her toys. she throws them at herself to play fetch and she loves to play!! she lieks to bite and chace and run arround in circles. she also likes cats, she gets so excited when she sees a cat and she starts crying cuz she wants to play, ironically tho shes kinda scared of murr. LOL
i also have 3 leopard geckos, named whelma, dale, and dennis. whelma is kinda a whimp but its ok shes sillay, and dale likes to hide in tunnels, we made him tunnels and he crawls around in them. dennis.... dennis is a beast. hes the bulkiest gecko ive ever seen and is incredily aggressive despite our attempts to be his friend. he likes to climb and watch us through his terrarium. my dad says he was a komono dragon in his past life
Meet The Murr!!!!! this is my sweet sweet boy,,i love him so so so much
HEXUMMMMMMMM heres him standing silly
phenix image... she was pushing her butt onto me. dummbie.
im kinda tired so ill ad more later, from here on tho will be more reliavant n recent pictures
"Crush" template made by awhe @ https://awhe.neocities.org